📝 Publications

* indicates equal contribution.

† indicates corresponding author.


MMAD: Multi-modal Movie Audio Description

Xiaojun Ye, Junhao Chen, Xiang Li, Haidong Xin, Chao Li, Sheng Zhou$^†$, Jiajun Bu

📃Paper | 📄PDF | 🗂️Project Page |

  • This work has unlocked a whole new experience of watching movies for the visually impaired.
arXiv 2023

Puzzle game: Prediction and Classification of Wordle Solution Words

Haidong Xin$^{*†}$, Fang Wu$^{*}$, Zhitong Zhou$^{*}$

📃Paper | 📄PDF | arXiv

  • This work conducted a detailed numerical analysis of the Wordle game, revealing statistical patterns within it.